The Elusive American Dream - - -

Copywrite 2006

Concept - Dave Kaspersin

WAKE UP AMERICA Our government is now BY THE RICH and FOR THE RICH ! And they do not care about you and me ! ITS TIME TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY AND OUR LIVES BACK ! Dave Kaspersin 2006 And Here Is How To Start! This cartoon applies to everyone on this planet who is not in the upper 2 percent rich !

Email to: Dave Kaspersin

Subject: Your Cartoon and Message
Your cartoon is sadly appropriate for the bottom 98%.
Our country is so full of corruption from the President on down to Congress..... 
how do we, the people, even begin to fight back?  Letters to our senators is not an option, 
for there is either a form letter response or no response at all.   
We no longer have a President, but a dictatorship.....or perhaps even the maffia running 
(ruining) this country.  
Our country has become a disgrace, and for those of us who are not in the 2 percent, 
we are exhausted just trying to stay above water, and wondering if we are even going to 
be getting up to a job.  I am thankful my parents are not alive to witness what the thugs 
in Washington have done to our country.  And for what, GREED and POWER!   We have been robbed 
of our precious democracy and are owned by China, India, Japan, et al,, the corporations/lobbyists.  
The outlook seems hopeless and filled with much dispair, I'm sorry to say.  The only way there 
will be a change is to have the bottom 98% revolt and, unfortunately, Americans are characterized 
as "lazy and complacent".   The bottom 98% have been thrown into a bottomless pit....
how did this happen when we are the majority?
"Willey, Bev"