A Place for all the Old Timers to Get Together


The Pioneer's Club

The Pioneer’s Club Newsletter

Volume 7, Issue  8

September 2013

Group Meeting Changed Location

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September Events

       Sept 1—Father’s Day (Australia/New Zealand

       Sept 2—Labor Day (Goodbye Summer/Hello Fall)

       Sept 4—Rosh Hashanah

       Sept 8—Grandprents Day

       Sept 11—Patriot Day (I liked Veterans Day better!)

       Sept 13—Yom Kippur

       Sept 16—Respect for the Aged Day (Japan)

       Sept 21—Internation Day of Peace (Too Bad it doesn’t                                                    Work)

       Sept 22—First Day of Autumn

Sept 23—Family Day

Obituary Page

Sherman L. Conway -August 7, 2013, Chili, NY at age 81. He served his country with the Marine Corp in the Korean War. He was retired from RG&E after 40 years of service and volunteered at Unity Health for 20 year

September Birthdays

Getting Tired—Repeat

Arnie and I were talking after the picnic and we realized that we had been at this for 7 years. So it’s time for a change.


We would like to transition our jobs to some new faces and new ideas.


If you would like to volunteer or at least see what we do, email Arnie or me.


It’s time.




Lifespan of Rochester

Annual Medicare Enrolment

I received this note from Denny Gent.


I've been asked to request a notice be sent to Ginna retirees that the monthly (every 3rd Wednesday) meeting for breakfast location is being changed from Bob's in Suburban Plaza (Henrietta) to Parkside Diner on Culver Rd. (Sea Breeze).


The time will remain at 9AM.


This will begin with the Sept. meeting.



Denny Gent

There was only one member lost this past month.


The only way I know of the deaths of our members is threw someone notifying me or RG&E being mentioned in the newspaper.


There are many familiar names popping up in the newspaper as I get older, but unless it indicates that the person is an RG&E retiree or somehow affiliated with RG&E, I cannot in good faith  list them. There just are to many similar names.


When I first started this notification process, I called HR and requested if I could verify the deceased with them.


Being the kind and considerate people they are, they refused any assistance.


So far after about 7 years of sending out these notices, I believe I only made one or two mistakes

I had lunch with Mrs. Julie Murawski, Director of Development at Lifespan last month. (I bought only because Arnie was on Vacation and I couldn’t sucker him in to buy.)


We discussed what Lifespan offers and what the needs of us retirees are(that’s old people to our grandkids).


I agreed to put an article in this newsletter monthly about each service they offer until I get through the list. And it’s a long list!


Now some services are billed (Medicare or your health care provider?) and some are free (my personal favorite price). Below is a link to their web site for a matrix of their services.


It is a big chart with a brief description of each service




Now in my browser it opened sideways, but you can always print it out or download it and give it a twist. (if you don’t know how ask one of your grandkids, they will.)


Besides offering their services for us, they also supply various volunteers to help the various agencies around the area. So you’ll be hearing about that also.


Now I know that some of you who live out of state might consider that it’s a little to far to drive for one of their presentations, but if you call them at 585-244-8400 (the Rochester office). They will be able to point you to information closer to home.

Well it’s that time again. The annual enrolment (and plan change) is from October 15 to December 7.


Julie, at Lifespan, sent me the following after our meeting.


“I spoke with our Medicare 101 folks and our next presentation is on September 26th from 5:30 -7:30 here at Lifespan, 1900 South Clinton Ave, Rochester, NY.


This is an overview of the benefits that come with Medicare.


After (or instead) If folks would like to look at all of the plans out there that you can add onto Medicare (“Advantage Plans”) they can call us and schedule an appointment to sit down with a Health Insurance Information Counselor who will go over ALL options available to them from an unbiased source.


Open enrollment will begin on October 15 and last until December 7th.


Any plan changes need to made during this time.


Please call us with questions, if you would like to set up an appointment or if you would like to RSVP to the Medicare 101 class (which is free!). 244-8400”


There are some cravats:


              This is not the same type of information that we are getting from RG&E. The Lifespan people will not know what RG&E is offering you. ( See my comment about HR in the obit section).


             The Lifespan people will not make any choices for you. The will review what you have been offered or selected , and help you decide if you made a good choice.


             Lifespan is funded by donations and grants, not by commercial interests.


This is part of their Health Care Consultancy. It is only one of the many services they offer.


Check out their web site at www.lifespan-roch.org


(Now I have no prior experience with Lifespan so I’m learning as I go. If you already are familiar with them, or know someone who has used one of their services, please let me know how the experience was.-Tom)


Eldersource is another service of Lifespan, Their motto is:


They were always there for you.

Now you need to be there for them-

And we can help.


Eldersource simplifies eldercare.


Your first line of help are Lifespan’s eldercare phone specialists who are experienced social workers. They know the questions to ask and provide information and guidance right over the phone. They also have information on appropriate community services that can assist you and your family.


The second line of help: If you need more than phone support an Eldersource care manager will meet with you/or your family members. A care manager is a social worker who is trained in geriatrics and the ins and outs of our community’s complex eldercare system. A care manager can assess your situation, discuss a care plan, link you to services, or assist with a move to a higher level of care.


Care Management through Eldersource includes:


· An in home assessment of older adult’s housing, health, and activities of daily living (e.g. The ability to prepare a meal, handle finances, accomplish personal, etc.) by a care manager.


· A written care plan for immediate and long term recommendations for community/housing options.


· Assistance with implementation of the care plan.


Do you need help with a nursing home placement? Eldersource can help you with:


· An evaluation of the older adult’s financial status.

· A Medicaid application

· Paperwork

· Advocacy for family/client with the facility

· Facility tours and recommendations


And finally, they can provide assistance with obtaining government and other benefits.


Whether your loved one is a spouse or a parent, they were always there for you. Now Eldersource can help you be there for them.


Lifespan not only supports Eldersource but also ties in with the Catholic Family Center. Between them they are the biggest providers of services for older adults in the area.


I copied this out of one of their pamphlets. I bet this is only the tip of the ice berg as far as Eldercare is concerned—Tom



For Our Vets



Last month I mentioned in this news letter that there was a “job” fair for veterans at the VFW in Palmyra. Well since it was being held on a Saturday and it was nice out, I decided to take as ride and see if there was anything I could bring back to you guys.


Well first it was a ride! I swear that the VFW was almost in Syracuse….


But when I got there it was worth the trip. (No I didn’t get a job!) There were the usual companies explaining how great they are (RG&E was there but I won’t comment on “great”). Finger Lakes Community College explaining education benefits available, and other stuff.


I was impressed..


I picked up an EPIC (Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage program) pamphlet. This is a program administered by the NYS Department of Health and it is targeted at people 65 or older who hit the “donut hole” in Part D (the drug coverage). The brochure indicates the annual income cap is $35,000 for singles or $50,000 for couples. And it will pick up where part D leaves off.


This program is not free. There is an annual fee based in income.


I’m planning on attending the Lifespan Medicare lecture and I hope to be able to ask them about this program.


Next I was talking to the local Veteran’s Administration table, (They had nice giveaways). Anyway, I got talking and I found out that you can stop at the Veteran’s Affairs Office on Westfall Road (with DD214 in hand) and get a special ID. This ID will entitle you to various discounts on purchases around the area. (Arnie tells me that Home Depot gives 10%). So that’s another place for me to go.


I also picked another pamphlet there. It’s entitled, “When a Veteran Passes Away. A Planning Guide for the Surviving Family.” This is a twenty pager so I won’t be covering everything listed in it.


The key words all through the booklet are, “may be eligible for.” And I didn’t see them breaking down  the eligibly. I’ll give you an example:


Under Reimbursement of Burial Expenses, “If the veteran’s death was service related (not explained), the VA will pay up to $2000 toward burial expense for deaths on or after September 11, 2001. The VA will pay up to $1500f or deaths prior to September 10, 2001.”


I’d recommend that you sit down with a VA representative and have a long discussion with them.



Pictures from the Rochester Picnic

Special thanks to Sharon Cavaleri for providing these shots.

First Name

Middle Initial

Last Name




































