A Place for all the Old Timers to Get Together


The Pioneer's Club

The Pioneer’s Club Newsletter

Volume 5, Issue  7

July 2011

Rochester Picnic

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Obituary Page

We lost two individuals that I am aware of in since the last newsletter.


They will be missed by who knew them.



Gerrit N. Heerkins "Guy" May 31, 2011, Fishers, NY. Guy retired from General Maintenance.


James L. Huff - June 8, 2011, Webster NY, Jim retired as Maintenance Training Mgr - Ginna Station., RG&E, 1994.

July & August Events

Here are the important dates for July & August


July 16—Rochester Picnic Checks due.

July 18—Retirements from Ginna (See Coming Events on our web site)

July 31—Ramadan begins

August 1—Civic holiday (Canada)

August 2—Substation’s Lunch

August 4th—Rochester Picnic

August 29—Summer Bank Holiday (UK)

Thursday, August 4, 2011 at the Barnard Exempt Party House, 360 Maiden Lane from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM with food available from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM. The cost is $16 per person.


You all should have gotten this notification by either post card or email.


Today is the 4th of July and you have only 10 more days to send Arnie your check if you want to attend. (If you have already sent it, ignore this part)


Now every year we receive the same complaint, “Why does it cost so much for only Hots and Hamburg?”


I’ll explain. The cost is made up with about 2/3 being the cost of the catered meal. The rest is being the pavilion rental and the club’s annual expenses. The costs of running the club mainly consist of the postage costs, the web site hosting, the annual cost of the ThePioneersClub.org name, and the annual cost of emailing this newsletter. There are a few small costs that Arnie or I pick up during the year.


RG&E does nothing for us other than supply mailing labels for the retirees. And we don’t know how long this will continue.

They provide no monetary support. This is not the same RG&E we worked for.


OK I’m almost done.  Some people don’t want to pay. They feel that they can attend and just “visit” with friends. Well if that’s the case, then why don’t they just call up their friends and invite them over to their homes. (OK I’ll put my soap box away).


I hope you will find the time to attend this year’s picnic. A lot of work goes into making this happen. So I hope you appreciate the effort Arnie and his wife put into making this happen. While I support him, Arnie puts in the bulk of the effort making this happen.


Thanks Arnie from all of us attending.


Made in America

Special Tribute


So here are our July babies. If you wish your birthday listed, just drop me an email.


We have all seen the stories on ‘Made in America” on the evening news. And I hardly agree. We should support those workers in the US. After all if we don’t who will? China? Or some other 3rd world country?


OK I know that now we are on a fixed income that cheap junk is tempting, but let’s be serious. Most of the higher quality goods are made right here in the USA by American hands.


We all know that even the better quality Japanese cars are made right here. Which says a lot for the American worker. While American made stuff is usually a little more expensive, it’s worth the extra.


I own a Nissan Xterra. It turned 10 years old last December. In all the years I have owned it I only put on tires (once), batteries (twice), brakes, (once), and a couple of light bulbs. All this in 165,000 miles. That truck was made in America with mostly American parts.


I received a URL from a friend to a web site that tracks “Made in America” stuff and where to purchase.





Jim White sent me this URL to a web site. He said,


“This film was made by a 15 year old girl. It is the hottest thing on the internet and on Fox News today.

Lizzie Palmer who put this YouTube program together, is 15 years old. “



I watched it and feel you should to.




Request for Information           

I had lunch with Vera Bellows in May. She suggested that I send out Death Notices for the spouses of RG&E employees. I agree that this would be a very helpful addition to our email.


I try and read the Obituary column every day looking for RG&E employees. My problem is that I have no way to determine who the spouses are. So if you know of the passing of an RG&E spouse, please email me the information and I’ll send out the information to all.


Newsletter Articles      

This is another short newsletter. You’d think that with 1600 members there would be more going on.


Well I get all the “News” from you guys. If you don’t help with the reporting of events going on I don’t have anything to put in here.


I’ll give you an example, in December my first grandchild will be born! (And boy am I proud.)


This is some of the information I’m looking for. So lets get with it out there.

First Name

Middle Initial

Last Name



















































