A Place for all the Old Timers to Get Together


The Pioneer's Club

The Pioneer’s Club Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 2  

February, 2009

February Holidays

Obituary Page

I found myself updating the Obituary page only once last month.


Carol Christensen - Boulder, Colorado, January 26, 2009 at age 90. Carol was a retiree of the Residential Department.


This information was furnished by Carol Mullen  (Ken’s wife). I could not find a printed obit for more complete information.



She will be missed by all who knew her.



Memory Lane

Coke Kindlers

I got a new calendar that lists a bunch of holidays.  So I decided to share February’s listings with you.


2/2        Groundhog Day

2/6        Waitangi Day (New Zealand)

2/12      Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

2/14      Valentine’s Day

2/15      Flag Day (Canada)

2/16      President’s Day

2/22      George Washington’s Birthday

2/24      Mardi Gras Day

2/25      Ash Wednesday


OK, so I didn’t know what Waitangi Day was either, so I looked it up:

“New Zealand’s national day commemorates the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi on February 6, 1840. Waitangi Day thus marks the coming together in friendship of the Maori people and the white European settlers although it hasn’t been an easy road from there.”

Now I personally liked celebrating Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays as separate holidays.  I liked two days off.

Vinnie Pulmeri sent me some old photos of downtown Rochester.  While we couldn’t guess the actual date these were taken, from the automobiles, I’d guess they are from the 1950’s.


Now I was just a little kid when these were taken, but I can remember going “shopping” with Mom in some of these stores.

I received an email from Rick Meier asking for help on telling the story of this RG&E product.


A customer recently found a bag of RG&E Coke Kindlers and brought it into Rick Grande (Customer Service), who gave it to me.  I have an old RG&E ad about Coke Kindlers.  I can’t find anything in the archives about them.  I thought maybe one of our retirees might know.- Rick“


Here’s a picture of the “product” and a picture of the ad;


If you can help Rick just drop me a line at tom@thepioneersclub.org

I like the price in the ad!

Mary Williams

I got an email from Sharon Cavaleri about a visit she and Vera Bellows had with Mary.


Vera and I visited Mary Williams at St. Ann's today.  She is well and quite happy.  She appreciates the cards that are sent to her.


Thought you might enjoy the attached photos!




Well I think you might enjoy the pictures to.


Vinnie was doing very well last month.  He sent me a photo of a menu from Woolworths. Again I don’t know when it was printed, but I’d sure like to see these prices again. (Actually I miss Woolworths too!)

Where were these prices when I was in the field for the company?


Actually they’d come in handy now!



Dennis is at it Again!

Margot Rood sent me the following video link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUX1VRBu-9g


She had lunch with Dennis Money and discussed his latest project. Dennis was responsible for the Falcons being returned to downtown Rochester and the nesting site w/video feed on Kodak Tower, if you don’t remember.


This time he’s trying to save the “white” deer on the closed Army base at Samson, NY.  The video is about this project. 


If you aren’t interested in saving the deer, just look at the video.  It shows some great pictures of them as well as discusses their history.



Report: Christmas Open House

I dropped Charlie and Chris Venishel a note about their Christmas open house. Here’s their reply,


First I would like to say Thank You for putting our event in your news letter. It was very nice of you.


As Ken Kuzia told you we had a great turn out this year, better than the past years. We have raised $2180.00 to benefit Ronald McDonald House of Rochester NY.


We will be doing the Holiday  Home Tour again Christmas 09”


They attached some pictures for our enjoyment.



Super Bowl

I know I’ll be sending out this newsletter at the same time the Super Bowl is on TV.


While I’d really like you to drop everything when this newsletter arrives. I can understand why the Super Bowl comes first.


Because I’ll be sitting on the wrong side of “pizza and wings” watching the game too.




If you notice your copy of the newsletter stops arriving, you probably changed your email address and forget to tell me. If you send me your new email address, I’ll send you the one(s) you missed.

Just Email me at Tom@ThePioneersClub.org with your new email address.

Shopping Sites

I want to thank everyone who bought something from Amazon.com via our web site over the holiday season.


As you know we get 10% of the purchase price of anything bought from Amazon.com if you use the link on our site to get to Amazon.com.


I stumbled across the same program for Overstock.com.  If there’s any interest, I’ll go through the hassle of joining.  So let me know.


Now that Valentines Day is right around the corner, if you are going to order from Amazon, do it from our site.