
A Place for all the Old Timers to Get Together

The Pioneer's Club

The Pioneer’s Club

RG&E Big Band

Volume 2, Issue 1   January 2008

RG&E Chorus

I attended the RG&E’s Big Band Concert at Ada Ridge Apartments on December 4, 2007.  The band still has it.


They play in a style reminiscent of the big bands of the 1940’s.


The group of 16 played for over

an hour to a group of very

appreciative senior citizens

(including me who was taking



I had forgotten how great they



In keeping with the season, they

played a lot of Christmas Classics. 


All with that famous big

band sound.


I have posted some of the pictures

I took on our web site for all of you

to enjoy.


Arnie, Ron Johnson, and I discussed how great they sounded, and decided that they would be a great addition to the 2008 Pioneer’s Summer Picnic.  So we have asked them to “perform” for their supper, and our enjoyment.


I hope they can fit us into their busy summer schedule.

Does anybody out there remember Mel Thompson?  He and I worked together in Customer Service for about 20 years.  Ok, so working with me is no big deal, but he was also a member of the RG&E Chorus.


I found out from Jim Candela, another former Chorus member,

that Mel , now a choral director for a local church, has put together a

small group of volunteers to spread holiday cheer to seniors and

others. The group is know as the “Thompson Memorial Choir”.


In December they entertained at Kirkhaven Nursing Home and

Monroe Community Hospital.


Jim commented that he was invited to sing with the group, and it

brought back the memories of when he sang with the RG&E Chorus.


 (ED’s Note:  The concert at Monroe Community Hospital was cancelled due

to the weather. That was the one I was scheduled to attend to take pictures for

all of you)

RG&E Veterans Services

It does my old heart good to know that my feelings about RG&E veterans are not alone.  I received tons of comments about having a special memorial service for our fallen friends. Most of the comments were of the type that said, “you tell me when and where, and I’ll be there”.


So now that I opened my big fat mouth, I guess I’d better get busy with the “where and when”. 


For Memorial Day, I am leaning toward the flag pole in front the Scottsville Road facilities. I was told that the plaque from the Employee Center ended up there, and the parking is easier for those wishing to attend.


I’m now trying to contact some of the members of the Vet’s Club that used to conduct their remembrance.  Their years of experience in conducting the Vet’s Club’s Memorial Services will be of great benefit to all of us.


The motto of the Vet’s Club was ,”Lest we Forget”.  While the Vet’s Club

has  disbanded, the sacrifice paid by our fallen former comrades still remains.

I hope we, members of the Pioneer’s Club, will keep this tradition going.


RG&E’s motto was “Always at Your Service”.  While this motto applied to the

Company serving our customers, we, the employees, were the ones who

“made it happen”.  Serving our customers with gas and electric was only part

of our heritage. Some of us carried  this tradition even further and served our

country, paying the ultimate price.


It is up to us, the former employees, to “made it happen” and say “thank you” to

our fallen Veterans. 





For if we don’t, who will?

Web Page

In my continuing battle to keep the Web Site interesting, I have added some new stuff.


This month I added some of the photos from the Big Band’s Christmas concert at Ada Ridge Apartments. (So far I haven’t heard any complaints, so I guess I got all the names correct.)  I wish I had some sound clips so  I could attach them to the pictures. That way you could enjoy their music too.


I have also been busy scanning in some of the “Old” pictures, but I don’t have them available to all of you yet. But I’ll give you a hint.  One of the pictures was labeled “Ice Storm—1936”


While this is a morbid thing to mention, I have the 2008 Obituary page ready to go.  I hope it stays empty for a long, long time this year.


I’m working on the Retired RG&E Employee Directory.  I combined it

with the Pioneer’s Club membership.  Since the directory contains both

retired employees, and those individuals who left the company voluntarily

or other wise, I’ve been looking for a more fitting name for it. 


Margot Rood suggested I call it the RG&E Alumnus Directory.  If

I don’t get any complaints, that’s the new name. 


Now you might ask why I’m talking about it here under Web stuff. 

Actually there’s method in my  madness.  I’m working on a

logon/password system on the web page so that you can update your own

information while not exposing all your personnel stuff to the outside world or anyone else.  I’ll keep you updated as it progresses.


When I started the web page, it’s purpose was to keep Pioneer’s Club members informed of stuff of interest to each other.  Well I got carried away and now it’s drifting toward a history of RG&E.  If you have any suggestions for content on the web page, just drop me a note at  I’m sure we can add it.


In the November issue I updated everyone on Kate McNulty’s career since leaving RG&E. 


I got a very nice email from Kate’s husband, Scott Riddlemoser.  He worked at RG&E as a consultant on the Y2K project and speaks highly of RG&E. 


He said:


“Kate remembers you (that’s scary!) and has many-many fond memories while

working at RG&E for 13 years. We currently live in Balaton, Minnesota which is an hour

and a half North-East of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.


Kate was also selected to Computerworld's Top 100 IT Leaders roster for 2007.  There are

other IT Industry Wide achievements she is attributed to, just do a Google search on

‘Kate McNulty Schwan’ "



A Little RG&E History

Rick Meier read last month’s article on the RG&E Chorus and sent me a whole bunch of stuff on both the Men’s  and the Women’s Choruses. 


I’m rapidly adding everything to the web site.


Here’s a picture of the Mixed Chorus, singing in the Employee Center, December 28, 1960.




































Here is an excerpt from a booklet about the first 10 years of the Men’s Chorus, written in 1942.

Old Photos

This picture was labeled “NYS Railroad #172– Irondequoit Bay” 


As a kid, I grew up in East Irondequoit.  When I was old enough, I was allowed to follow the “old trolley bed” down to the bay itself from up on the hill.  I guess I was walking in the footsteps of this bit of history. 


Now from the picture, I can’t really tell where this is, but I do know that it can’t be along the shore of Lake Ontario because, if I remember correctly, the tracks ran a lot higher above the water level by Sea Breeze.  So my guess is that this track was laid along the west shore of the bay leading to the amusement area at Sea Breeze. 


If anyone can add to this description, just email me at

Florida Picnic—2008

This is just a reminder to save the date for this year’s Florida Picnic.  Before you know it, March 10, 2008 will be here and gone, and you will have missed this fun filled event. Also, there’s no snow date! So plan on attending that day.

To keep it in everyone’s memory here are the details again.

First the food will be:




As in the past donations will be accepted to cover the food.


The picnic is being held at:

 Seminole Park (not Lake Seminole Park)

10015 Park Blvd.,  Seminole, FL.  33777 

As I said on the web page,

“You can’t get a better deal than that”

For more information contact Bill Goodman,

by clicking on his name.

Winter Reminder

To those of you who no longer live in the north east, here is a reminder of why you moved. 

And remember, this is a “nice” day up here.


(Well, I’ve got to leave now.  After sitting here looking at this picture, I have to turn the heat up.)

From all of us, to all of you, “Happy New Year” We hope you didn’t celebrate too much.

Questions or Comments or Articles?

Just Email me at

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