A Place for all the Old Timers to Get Together


The Pioneer's Club

The Pioneer’s Club Newsletter

The Rochester Picnic is in the history books! 


I want to thank everyone who attended and helped make this picnic the success it was.


This year we had 271 paid admissions.


The weather was perfect!  The weather

service predicted a 70% chance of rain for the day.  But we must have held the picnic in the other 30%, because it was sunny and dry all day.  Even the temperatures were mild,

instead of the 80+ degrees we have had the past few years. (Maybe asking the “Big Guy” for nice weather helped)


I hope everybody got their fill at the food tables. I know I did. And the brownies were great!


Barry Nenno took about 70 photos during the day, which I have up on the web site, and Sharon Cavaleri took another 100, which I also have up on the site. So those of you who attended will be able to remember old friends.  For those of you who were unable to attend, I hope these pictures will show an old friend or two.


When the Pioneer’s Club was first started by RG&E 70 years ago, it was meant to honor employees with 40 or more years of service to the company.  The Club has since evolved into a meeting place where old friends can reminisce about times gone bye, over a cold one.  That’s why our motto is “A Place for all the Old Timers to get Together”.  And this year was no exception.


I’d like to take a moment to thank all the individuals who are still working for taking the time off to join us.  Your presence was noted and appreciated.


Ron Johnson and Tom Slader were the forces behind keeping the Pioneer’s Club alive after RG&E withdrew their support.  At this years picnic I presented Ron (Tom was unable to attend) with a small plaque and a gift certificate, in appreciation for all he had done.  He received a round of applause from all the attendees.



Oh! In case you’re interested, we reserved Thursday, August 6, 2009 for next years’ Picnic.


So mark your calendars now. You won’t want to miss a thing.


Next year we hope to be able to have the Big Band entertain us for some of the afternoon. 


We tried to have them this year but there was a conflict in their scheduling. I hope they can squeeze us in to their busy schedule next year.


Right now Arnie and I are the organizers of this wonderful function.  What we would like to do is put together a Club Constitution in order to perpetuate this institution.  The Constitution would provide for a few elected officers and security for any money the Club might have on hand.

That way there will always be a guiding hand.



One more thing, I’d like to thank all the volunteers who helped make this picnic a success.

Rochester Picnic

Volume 2, Issue 9  

September, 2008

I have added all the pictures from this years Rochester Picnic. (And there were a lot of them).


Sharon Cavaleri also gave me some pictures she took at the 2005 and 2006 Rochester Picnics.  So if you want some more fond memories, check them out.


All the pictures I took at the Russell Station Closure Party are now on line including a history of the station.


I was also told that when the photo lab was shut down on Front Street and everything was thrown in a dumpster, three or four Xerox copy paper boxes of photos were

rescued .  I hope to be able to scan them and place them on line also.


When I was looking at the pictures takes at the 2008 Rochester Picnic, I couldn’t help but notice that a few of us (myself included) had put on a little weight. 


I talked to Barry Nenno and he said that for a slight fee, he could “Photoshop” some of the waistlines. 


When I asked about reversing some of the effects of age, he said that would cost a “lot” more.


We have also added some RG&E News from 1997 –2004 as well as some of the programs from the Service Anniversary Dinners for 1990, 1992, 1997, 2001, & 2002.

Pioneer’s Club Picnics Past

In last month’s newsletter, I mentioned that when RG&E paid for the Picnics, we weren’t that worried about costs.


I left the impression that RG&E

Customers were the ones footing the bill.


Well that’s not true. 


George Lappan dropped me an email explaining that all costs from prior picnics was charged against stockholder accounts.  Which takes the customers off the hook for the costs.


And since we were all stockholders at that time, I guess you could say we paid for our own party. Just like we’re doing now.


Proof Readers Wanted!

Sometimes even I make a mistake ( I know it’s rare, but it happens). That’s why I have a couple of people proof read this newsletter before sending it out.


Last month both my proof readers were on vacation and nobody checked this newsletter for errors.  And wouldn’t you know that a couple of errors snuck in.


I don’t know about you, but I can’t proof read anything I’ve written. I see what I wanted to say, not what I actually typed on the paper.


So I asking that if you would like “check up on me”, just drop me an email (Tom@ThePioneersClub.Org) and I’ll send you an advance copy of the newsletter each month to check for errors.


This also applies to the Web Site.  While I can’t send out an advance copy of the site, I’d like to have everyone checking up on me.  That way errors can be quickly corrected.


(And next year you won’t have to worry about me spelling Anniversary wrong on the name tags at the picnic either. )

“Plain” Talk on our Pensions

Our Pension checks are on everybody's mind in this time of rising costs.  Our old friend Tim Browne is no exception.  Tim worked in HR (and Employee Relations) before retiring from RG&E and should know a little about this stuff.


So Tim sat down and addressed a letter to Carolyn Lewis, Energy East’s HR Director.  Excerpts from the letter follow.


Dear Ms. Lewis:


1. In what year were pensions last adjusted?

2. In what year was the Company contribution to health care of $242 per month instituted?


The reason for these questions are as follows:


Pensions: Since the last mass retirement program in April of 2003 the number of participants in the plan decreased by 18% (from 3,684 to 3,025 from 12/31/03 to 12/31/06); while the plan assets basically remained the same ($580.3 million as of 12/31/03 and $579.7 million as of 12/31/06 which is approximately 1/10th of 1%). It would appear to me that the Company should be seriously pursuing an increase to pensions to offset retiree cost of living (inflation) and health care costs especially.


Health Care: while the Company contribution of $242/month remained constant for many years the cost of health care has escalated dramatically.  In my personal situation, my health care cost (employee only) has increased from $17.58 per month to $143.48 per month since 2003.  That is an increase of $125.90 per month or over $1,500 per year which has not been offset by any additional Company contribution or increase in pension amount.  In the case of a "sponsor plan" (2-person) the cost has gone up from $254.94 per month to a staggering $680.41 per month for an increase of $425.47 per month or over $5,000 per year, again with no increase to Company contribution or pension. I am sure all other retirees  have experienced similar increases in their expenses as well.


This letter was sent June 29th. Having not received an answer,  two weeks later, on July 14th another message was sent to Carolyn indicating Tim was still awaiting a response.


Two days later he received the following “corporate speak” response excerpted below.


Question #1 -- In what year were pensions last adjusted?


Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation (RG&E), as the Plan Sponsor of the Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation Retirement Plan (the “Plan”), is responsible for administering the Plan and communicating with Plan participants.  In addition, the Plan has a Fiduciary Committee that is responsible for reviewing and approving Plan policies and programs and ensuring ongoing compliance.

The Fiduciary Committee has a duty to administer the Plan in the best interest of all participants and beneficiaries including those individuals currently receiving benefits, as well as current and former employees who are entitled to future benefits.  While it is not a requirement of the Plan to provide Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs), RG&E and the Fiduciary Committee periodically review the status of the Plan and financial conditions to determine the appropriateness of providing a COLA to current retirees and surviving beneficiaries.  The last COLA provided to Plan participants was in April, 2000.  In the event that RG&E and the Fiduciary Committee decide that circumstance warrant providing a COLA in the future, RG&E will communicate its decision to eligible benefit recipients accordingly.


Question #2 -- In what year was the Company contribution to health care of $242 per month instituted?


The $242 per month Company contribution was implemented January 1, 2003.  As you know, health care costs vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the level of benefits provided under the plan you elect.  If you choose to enroll in a plan that provides more generous benefits, you will likely pay a greater monthly contribution to participate in that plan.  We want to assure you that we continue to work with our vendors to find ways to control rising health care costs.  Unfortunately, this is a challenge that all companies face today.  Still, we are pleased that we can continue to offer a competitive, quality health care program to you and your family.


(I always thought that people from Maine prided themselves on “plain” talk. I guess she must be a transplant.)


Tim received an answer to his request for the names of the Fiduciary Committee members on August 18.  The answer is excerpted below:


In a message dated 8/18/2008 4:48:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Carolyn.Lewis@energyeast.com writes:

Mr. Browne,


Following is the information you requested regarding the Fiduciary Committee members for the RG&E pension plan.  


Richard R. Benson

Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Energy East Corporation

1387 Ithaca-Dryden Road

Ithaca, NY 14852-3287

Phone #:  (607) 347-2248


Robert D. Kump

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Energy East Corporation

52 Farm View Drive
New Gloucester, ME 04260
Phone #:  (207) 688-4303 


F. Michael McClain

Senior Vice President and Chief Development and Integration Officer, Energy East Corporation

217 Commercial Street, 5th Floor
Portland, ME 04101

Phone #:  (607) 828-6013


Joseph Syta

Vice President, Controller and Treasurer, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation

89 East Avenue

Rochester, NY 14649

Phone #:  (585) 771-4986


Let me know if you have additional questions.





Tim has done the ground work for us and now it is up to you.  If you wish to have your pension increased to reflect the cost of living, or wish to have the contribution to your medical increased, you must pick up your pen and write these individuals expressing your desires.


I could create a petition or a form letter for you to use, but these things are usually ignored by busy people.  It is best if you express, in your own words, exactly what you are experiencing and what you feel.


Most of us started at RG&E when it was considered a great place to work.  RG&E had the reputation for being a caring company, for both customers and employees. That’s probably why the company was never unionized for almost 200 years.


We did our various jobs over the years, with a minimum of complaining, having faith that the company could be counted on to “do what’s right” for those of us who worked our “butts” off  helping it to become one of the pre-eminent utilities of it’s size.


Somewhere along the line this compact between RG&E and it’s employees was dissolved and a union gained a foothold.


Now I’m not inferring the union is a bad thing, because now our “guys” feel that they need someone looking out for their interests while they serve the public’s interest.


But it does point out the changes that have crept in since the merger. 

September 5, 2008

12:30 PM

Henrietta Senior Center
515 Calkins Rd,

September 23, 2008

1:00 PM

Westside Manor
1404 Long Pond Rd.

October 16, 2008

1:00 PM

Baywinde Senior Living Facility
200 Kidd Castle Way, Webster

October 28, 2008

1:30 PM

Wolk Manor,
4000 Summit Circle Drive

November 19, 2008

7:00 PM

Rochester Psychiatric Center
1111 Elmwood Ave.

Obituary Page

I found myself updating the Obituary page again last month.


Loreto "Larry" Saraceni - July 31, 2008, at age 77, Gates, NY.  Larry was a retiree from Russell Station.


Michael S. Lacagnina - August 12, 2008, at the age of 95. Mike retired from Gas M&U after 50 years of service.


Richard J. Johnson - August 13, 2008, at the age of 81. Dick was a 31 year retiree from Gas M&U.



They will be missed by all who knew them.


(I wish to thank those who notified me of Larry’s passing because RG&E was not mentioned as an employer in his obituary.)



As a lot of you know, I am trying to maintain the “Retired Employee’s



This has turned out to be tough, as there are about 1500 names in it at present. 


Our former employer won’t help (privacy laws and all that), so it’s up to us to keep it going.



I thank everyone who checked the Membership List and updated their information at the Picnic.


You kept me busy for a while correcting all the entries. (I’m proud to announce that no one attending marked their Deceased Box “yes”)


The most important entry is your email address.  I can’t harp enough on keeping it up to date and adding other member’s email addresses that you know.  We have 1500 members, but only 350 email address.  Email  accounts are free from Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo (just to name a few) if you need one.  And if you don’t have a computer to check your “mail”, the public library does.


If you need help selecting a computer, operating your computer, or doing e-mail, just ask one of your grand kids.  I’ll bet they are a wiz at computers (and if they are a teenagers, a wiz at text messaging on a cell phones, too).


Nothing is more fun than interacting with a young person.  They help keep your mind alert and give you a great perspective on life. 

The RG&E Armed Forces Club

The RG&E Armed Forces Club (the Vet’s Club) has closed it’s doors and no longer meets.  This is a sad occurrence because I was a member for many years and have a lot of fond memories because of this fine organization.


This year I was talking to Bob Peacock (a past President of the Armed Forces Club) at the picnic when he indicated that he was the proud possessor of all the past documents the club generated during it’s existence. 


It seems that the Vet’s Club had a locker in the basement of the old Employee’s Center where they kept their records.


When the Employee Center was sold, Bob cleaned out the locker to save a bit of the club’s history.


Well I have all that information now. I plan to go through it and create a history of the Vet’s Club to place on the web site.  The Vet’s Club was a fine organization, serving both RG&E employees as  well as the community at large and should not go unremembered.


If you happen to thing that all the Vet’s Club members did was drink beer and tell war stories,  remember that they started the Children’s Christmas Party and the Family Picnic at Sea Breeze, just to name a few that you might have attended over the years.


They also “adopted” a group home for handicapped adults in Webster.  They provided companionship for these individuals and support for many years.  For this support, they were nominated for (and won) a local service award.


And I for one, salute them for their years of giving back to their fellow employees and the community at large.


The thought of where the Club’s next dollar is coming from has haunted me for years. We don’t want to create a “dues” structure to support the newsletter or web site.


Well I found a small cure for our cash flow problems in the presence of the Amazon.com Affiliate Program.


Here’s how it works.  I put a couple of links to Amazon's web site on our Fun Stuff pages.  Every time you, or someone else, “clicks” on either of these icons, you are taken to Amazon’s site.


If you buy anything, we get between 10% -15% of the purchase price, as long as you get to Amazon via our web site.


Ok. I agree that’s it’s not a lot of money, but it’s better than no money.


There are two links on the page.  The first link shows "The Deal of the Day", "Lighting Deals", and   "Our Best Deals".  These items change throughout the  course of a day.


The second link is just a search tool.  It allows you to search Amazon’s web site by Category or Keyword.  This is the easiest way to find something.


There is no cost to the Club for this program, and anyone purchasing from Amazon is charged the same price no matter how they got to Amazon, via our web site or by typing Amazon’s address in your web browser.


So just make your next Amazon purchase via our web site.  We get the benefit. And tell your friends, too!