
A Place for all the Old Timers to Get Together

The Pioneer's Club

The Pioneer’s Club

RG&E Band

Volume1, Issue 4, December 2007

RG&E Chorus

The RG&E Big Band entertained the fine folks at the Brighton Senior Center on Idlewood Rd, Brighton on November 15th, 2007


RG&E retiree Gerry Gilbert (who started working at RG&E in 1948 and joined the band in the mid 50’s) played a great solo in our original tune, “Pardon Me Mr. B.”, written by our former director Jack End. 


Chris Northington (an active employee in RG&E’s Standards Lab) plays the bass as good as any professional I’ve heard. 


Tom Powell (a retiree from Security and Claims) really shined, when we played a smoking performance of “Saint Louis Blues March”, expertly arranged by our lead trombonist Ray Shahin. 


Saxophonist Marcia Najjar, formerly from the IT area, loves to play our arrangement of “Aint Misbehavin”. 


And of course, there wasn’t a dry eye in the place when I played the trumpet solo in Jack End’s arrangement of “After the Lov’in” (The members of the Band have been teasing me as to why our audience was crying). 


The Band’s 16 members are employees, retirees, and friends who are volunteering their time and talent for concerts which are presented at no cost to the places we play.  Our performances show our customers that RG&E is an active and caring member of the community.  


The Band is constantly rewarded by the smiles on their faces, the tapping feet and hands, and their warm conversations with us after the concert.  


We have one more concert in 2007 (Ada Ridge Court Apartments, 1311 Long Pond Rd, Greece at 2:00 PM on 12/4) and we will be wrapping up a really enjoyable season of giving something back to the community.


Dave Payne

Director, Manager and Lead Trumpet

RG&E Big Band





Dave Payne and I were talking, at Bob Hobday’s Retirement Party, about the former RG&E Chorus and what a shame it is that they no longer meet.  They were always a great pleasure to see and hear perform.



That brought the conversation around to singing with the band.

Well, Dave stepped up and offered to integrate any of the 

members of the old RG&E Chorus into the RG&E Band,

where possible.


So anyone wishing to “sing with the band” needs only to drop

Dave an email at to start the ball rolling.



RG&E Veterans Forgotten?

Veteran’s Day is for thanking those veterans who are no longer with us, for their sacrifices that allow all of us to enjoy the freedoms we have today.


As I listened to the Veteran’s Day speeches on television, I wondered if anyone still “remembered” the RG&E employees who answered the call and paid the supreme sacrifice.


I was a member of the RG&E Armed Forces Club for

many years.  Besides getting together each month to drink

beer, and discuss old war stories, we also remembered those

who died.


Twice a year we held solemn ceremonies on Veteran’s Day

and  Memorial Day.  The Veteran’s Day Service was held at

the flag pole in front of the Employee Center on Jefferson

Road, and the Memorial Day service was at the Plaque in the

entrance at 89 East Ave.


At these ceremonies, we remembered those fellow employees

by reading their names, and offering a moment of silence in

their memories.


Well the flag pole and the Employee Center are gone.  The

Vet’s Club has disbanded.  And I’m not sure if the plaque at

89 East Ave still exists, but the sacrifices those individuals , whose names were read, remains and should not be forgotten. 


I’m asking if there are any former members of the Vet’s Club (or anyone else) out there who would like to join me in finding a location, and holding a ceremony for our fellow employees.  The goal being to hold a service on Memorial Day, 2008 somewhere.


Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.  Please email me: Tom@ThePioneersClub.Org



(I’ll put my soap box away now)

Seasons Greetings

We’d like to take a moment to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.


Arnie and Tom

Has Any One Seen?

In a prior newsletter, I offered to help find old friends.  I got a request this month from Chuck Weigand, a retiree from Beebee Station, who now lives in Arizona.



“I was attempting to find Elmer Daubert, but have had no success.  I know he and his wife Marge had ties to Pennsylvania and believe they moved there.  Elmer was a good friend, and in general a good man. 


Al Pelletreau and Tom Vick are other names out of the past that I would like to contact.


Best regards,


Chuck Weigand”




Well, I looked in my database of Pioneer’s Club members, the Retired Employees Directory and didn’t find any of them.


So if anyone can help these old friends “hook up” as the kids say, please email me at Tom@ThePioneersClub.Org, and I’ll pass the information along.



Retiree’s Directory

I’m trying to update the information I have on the RG&E Family of Past and/or Retired Employees for an address book.  The information I have hasn’t been updated in a few years, so I really don’t know how accurate it is.


I’m looking for ways to collect updated addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for a database.


The easiest way would be to mail everyone a letter asking them to update their information. But with over 1300 names in my list, the postage would be a killer.  (And Arnie won’t get another job to pay for it!)


My next idea was to use email, but there aren’t many email addresses in it.


So, I’m open to suggestions and ideas anyone has to accomplish this goal.

Web Page

In my continuing battle to keep the Web Site interesting, I have added some new stuff.


First I went to Bob Hobday’s Retirement party and took a bunch of pictures which I have posted  in the photo gallery under Retirement Parties.  I’m still trying to find that perfect setting where the picture loads quickly into your web browser while having enough quality so you can actually recognize people.  At my place, they all work perfectly because the web server and my PC are in the same room.  You guys are a little further away, so I have to depend on other people to give me their opinions on speed vs. quality and then make my adjustments.  This takes a few weeks. So be patient with me.


I’m still scanning in a lot of the “stuff” Arnie and I found in the

basement at 89 East Ave.


So far I have the very first issue of the RG&E News (May 1912)

completely scanned and put on the web site.  Once you “click to enter”,

you’ll find I had to leave the inside pages very large so you could

read the type.


I also found the Centennial Book.  It was produced by the Company

in 1948 to mark RG&E’s first 100 years in business.  It contains a history

of the first 100 years.  If you want to know all about RG&E, this

makes great reading.


I found a bunch of the Pioneer’s Club Booklets from our Annual picnics/meetings going back to the first one in April, 1938.  Watch for them.


Bill Goodman also sent me a bunch of pictures from the Florida Picnics which I now have on line.


And last but not least, the photo gallery now contains a lot of the very old pictures of Rochester, RG&E stuff., and RG&E employees. I could use help identifying them because there was really no information on the backs.  They are a fascinating look into our past.


If you have any photographic history, let me borrow the pictures to add to the web site.  I know there were a lot of pictures taken at various department events.  Please let me share them with all of us.

Christmas Message from the Past (1912)

That was a message, to our fellow employees, I found when scanning in the December, 1912 issue of the RG&E News. Who wrote it has faded from our memories, but it is important none the less.

It’s interesting to note that almost 100 years ago, people were  praising the “idea” behind Christmas, “Peace and Goodwill” and wishing that it would persist for longer than just one day.

I wish that this simple sentiment could be applied today.  There are too many people out there who wish to abolish this holiday , thinking it’s only a religious message, and wanting to stop any public displays.  I think it’s silly for retailers to stop selling “Christmas” trees and in their place sell  “Friendship” trees, just to please a few. 

Christmas may have started as a religious celebration, but it has evolved into so much more.   I wish people would stop  the  polarization  of this great holiday around various religions, but open their hearts to the greater good, “Peace and Goodwill”.

We all remember our childhoods.  The thrill of waking up Christmas morning and seeing what that great man left for you.  The joys of visiting a relative and receiving even more gifts.  While all the time being reminded (usually by our mothers), that on Christmas it is better to give than receive, but not quite understanding why.

Well now that we’re in the later stages of our lives, we understand our mother’s admonitions when we watch the joy on our children’s or grandchildren’s faces as we celebrate this holiday.

“Peace and Goodwill” to each and everyone of you, Tom

Christmas Get Together

A few of us who worked in the Information Systems Department stopped for a little holiday cheer before going home once a year in December.


Well as things happen, this has become a bit of a tradition for us.  Most of us no longer work for RG&E, so it is the only chance we have to see each other.


We don’t plan anything fancy.  We just all meet in a bar, have a few snacks and a couple of adult beverages.  Since most bars don’t like the BYOB (bring your own booze) parties, we just all split the check amongst us.


This year we are all meeting at JG Crummer’s, 1665 Penfield Road, Penfield, NY (just past Panorama Plaza and across the street from Delta Sonic).


Anyone wishing to come and see some of your old friends is welcome to attend. 

We’ll be there from about 5:30 until we peter out (which gets earlier as we get older).