The Hit Kings
Mystic Stew
Auld Lang Syne
The Dynamic Archives

Dave and Connie Deming

Jeff Riales and Dave

Jackie's Quilts and Doll Clothes

Click Here for a Larger Version

Tracks and CDS can be Purchased / Downloaded at: logo  

The Dynamic Music Store

 Apple iTunes

Listen to Dynamic Artists on TouchTunes and
AMI Jukeboxes All Over The World!

Tribute For Jackie Elliott Kaspersin

New from Dynamic Play Carl Palmer's Drums !

Direct from Japan to Dynamic Recording Studios
Naoya Takada

Len Hawley and His Orchastra

Recorded in 1985. Never Released until NOW!

Dynamic Musicians are SO busy this summer!  Performing
at a variety of town concerts, festivals, retirement centers, and church festivals,
Dynamic musicians enjoy lots of weddings, graduations, anniversaries, and
birthday celebrations too! Special thanks to the George Eastman House Eastman
Vibes series, the Cornhill Neighborhood Association, the Towns of Chili, Honeoye, and
Irondequoit, and our Corporate clients and area restaurants, and universities as well.

Our multi-cultural Trinidad & Tobago Steelband
provided the opening ceremony entertainment for the Rochester Institute of 
Technology's  Global Village - 
what an idea and what a place !  Please make a visit to this innovative concept in 
global living at the Henrietta campus - you'll be glad you did!
And Alfred and thr crew returned to The Village April 21ST, 2011
 Trinidad & Tobago Steelband

Two additional CDs released on the Dynamic label this summer are the Calliope Favorites Volumes One and Two. Charlie Lowe recorded the Calliope at the New York State Museum of Transportation - now THAT place is a trip back in time - and his excellent recordings of the historic Calliope are available for all to enjoy in the Dynamic Music Store and at the museum as well. A great spot for train enthusiasts and fun for kids and parents alike.
Calliope Classics

Have you seen the new HBO series Boardwalk Empire?  Already guaranteed a
second season after its September 2010 premier, this show is this season's HBO hit -
and Dynamic is in it!  We were very happy to conclude the licensing of  music from
our Carousel Breezes CDs for the first season - going on now - and looking
forward to more  seasons of Martin Scorsese's hit series.

Speaking of hits - Dave Kaspersin just released a full length CD "Karrousel Of Love"
that includes material from his bands from the 60s and other Kaspersin productions
through the years.  From The Tempests' WILD SOUND at Marshall High to the
polished orchestrations of Dave and Jerry Brongo in the 90s, this CD is a trip 
through time.
The CD features the tune Rockin' Rochester - the first song Dave recorded way back
when - and the pictures show what a smokey wild place the nightclub scene was at
that time.  A live intro for the band includes the mention that they'll be 
"Playing tonight at the Irondequoit Grange!"  We know that place today as the famous 
House Of Guitars...
Karrousel Of Love - Dave Kaspersin

And "Rockin' Rochester" isn't just for Upstate New Yorkers and Rochesterians around the globe! The French audiofile magazine "Rock and Roll Revue" has published (in their September 2010 issue) a whole story on Dave and The Tempests
- with photos and three pages of biographical details, the history of the "sauvage" sound - the Wildsound of the early Kaspersin bands is a great read! Surviving members of the Tempests had a reunion in Rochester and celebrated - Jim Herney came in from California. Meeting up, Dave, Jim Herney, and Jim Collins had a lot of laughs remembering the good old days of playing every venue they could. The stories were flying back and forth - touring from gas station openings (hey, it's good exposure, right?) to smokey joints, to the college frat-house circuit (a la Animal House) and two year stint at the New York Mapleleaf Nightclub - the band was hot!

My Name Is Jonah: Teaser Trailer from Jonah Washnis on Vimeo.

My Name Is Jonah The Movie

Sound Track Dynamic Recording Studio

Here's a record breaker (no pun intended) - Jim Neary has issued TWO CD albums at the same time! Listen to Jim's original take on life on both his rhythm and blues driving Rhythm & Dues CD, and instrospective Heart Soul and Mind. This IS a record breaker at Dynamic - while we've had musicians and bands releasing as many as four and five albums on the Dynamic label - two at one time is unique! And Jim has many more songs coming along in 2010 as well.

You've heard  Jerry Elliott playing the marimba and piano on a variety 
of Dynamic Releases - Tramper's  Dynamic Christmas, A Marimba 
and Steel Pan Christmas, Jeff Elliott's Island Dream, World Beat - and 
seen her performances on utube.  

Her latest venture into the public eye 
is as an Alumni of Nazareth  College - class of '43 - 
the beat goes on.  
Jerry's visit last year to the Naz percussion 
department had  students 60+ years her junior learning a thing or two!  
Performing since age 5, Jerry's  proof that love of music is good for living!

And good things are all around us - Dynamic is very proud to enter our 
16th year of sponsoring the  Rochester Police Department's Do The 
Right Thing Program.  Dave and Carol have been diligent in placing the
photos and stories of the kids in our community that shine on the website 
that we've been hosting and updating since it's inception - if you take a 
moment to read the stories of their good deeds and accomplishments 
you'll be glad you did - and maybe you know someone who
deserves a nomination!

And while we're thanking..... if you were one of the folks that gave Jackie 
a teddy-bear, thank you - and you'll be happy to know that they all found 
homes for Christmas.  Both Bivona Child Advocacy Center and 
Baden Street Settlement were recipients of the teddy bears that each 
had a little quilt and matching pillow to accompany them to their new
homes. We're hoping to find more homes for teddies in 2010, so if you 
have a little teddy bear looking for a pal, bring him or her over - we'll outfit 
them with a blankie and pillow and send  them off to new digs!  
Dearest Dave - maybe you want to stick one of the photos of the bears here...

Speaking of hits, our Geo-stats indicate that our own internet radio station has listeners all over the world - including some countries we've never even heard of - as well as some un-expected: Iraq, Haiti, and the literally thousands in India! How cool!

The Vienna Blood Waltz From Our Whirling Melodies CD is
Featured in The Sony Movie "ZOMBIELAND" !

The world has lost two Great Musicians
on Flight 3407 which took the lives of
Gerry Niewood and Coleman Mellett.

Dave, Jackie and everyone at Dynamic

Click Here To Book Musicians for your next EVENT!

Two of Dynamic Recording's Senior Artists.

Larry Delahooke on Piano    Norm Hasman on Guitar

Hasman, Norman Joseph
Passed suddenly on Saturday July 5th 2014 at age 88.
Norm recorded at Dynamic every summer for several years,
and on each visit would recall his childhood memories of my grand-father's corner store
what an interesting gentleman he was and a joy to work with - so sorry for your loss.
Jackie & Dave Kaspersin
July 9, 2014

You can catch Larry at The
Carey Lake Restaurant
937 Penfield Road
Walworth, NY 14568
Fridays and Saturdays, 6 to 8 P.M.

Click Here For Our GREAT Carousel Band Organ Music

Featured in The Coney Island Sequence in CLOVERFIELD!


Wurlitzer Melodies At The Lake 153 Military Style Band Organ
Lake Compounce Theme Park
Bristol, Connecticut

Caribbean Christmas Carnival
The Perfect Gift!

Alfred St. John’s Trinidad & Tobago Steelband
Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express
And We Ship Anywhere In The World!

Making music, loving life in the studio!

Meaghan M. McDermott
Staff writer
Democrat and Chronicle

We ship anywhere in the World.

Great CD's From Wayra!

Canyon River


Contemporary Native American Faith and
Worship Instrumental Flute Music

The Dady Brothers Irish Folk Fest

From Bonnie Abrams! Welcome To My Mid-Life Crisis

Al St.John and Geraldine Elliott
A Marimba and Steel Pan Christmas

Friends and Love DVD - Chuck Mangione
A Chuck Mangione "Live" Concert
(Released For The First Time)
Available at and
Dynamic Recording Studios
2844 dewey Ave.
Rochester, NY 14616

Dynamic's Carousel Recordings are going international - again! CPAC TV (Canada's equivalent of the US's C-SPAN television network) has requested licensing for use of music from the Carousel Memories CD, in their upcoming documentary "One Incredible Year" about the Canadian homefront during World War I. We're looking forward to seeing that production in the fall of 2007. This is the second recent licensing for TV for Dynamic. Die Regismentskinder (Children of the Regiment) selection from CD Carousel Memories, was used in the Fall 2006 premier episode of the CBS hit show "Medium". Alfred St. John's Trinidad and Tobago Steelband's "Jamaica Farewell" from the Dynamic Release Caribbean Romance was selected for the tropical compilation CD of the Princess Cruise Line. 10,000 CDs are now available to happy cruisers in the on-board gift shops, boutiques and catalog. That follows upscale womens' and home furnishings giant Coldwater Creek's selection of The Christmas Song from Tramper's Dynamic Christmas for inclusion on their Christmas Compilation Volume II release - also available in stores and catalog. catalog


Dentzel Carousel at Ontario Beach Park Stinson Band Organ DRK-OBP2005

Sound Clips and More About The Ontario Beach Park Stinson Band Organ

I Am Old Glory

And I Will Welcome Your Return.

Who doesn't know of Chuck Mangione and Stevie Gadd?  
In 1994 they recorded two CDs that had a very limited distribution.  
Now those two CDs are re-released and available -  
again in a limited amount, but re-mastered and really great!

Passive Thoughts-Jimmie Highsmith, Jr.

The Dynamic Music Store

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