PSC Complaint 51852 filed 03/12/15

Complaint Verification

You are: David Kaspersin
If you are complaining for a business, the business name is: Dynamic Recording Studio
Your address is: 2846 Dewey Ave. Rochester, NY14616
The Utility you have a complaint about is: Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.
You have also provided your account number: 
You have given your phone number as: 
You have provided a daytime reach phone number of: 
You provided us with your email address:
What is the problem you are experiencing
The Rochester Gas and Electric can not provide adequate power.
What resolution(s) are you seeking? 
It has become painfully obvious that the RG&E cannot supply adequate power
to its present customers or to new customers due to the following statement:
E-4.3 Need for the Proposed Project.
"During a long-term outage of the Ginna generation at a load level of 1,435 MW, subsequent loss
of the 345 kV/115 kV 462 MW transformer #5 at Station 80 will cause the Station 80 345
kV/115 kV transformers #1 and #3, and all the three Station 122 345 kV/115 kV transformers to
be at their full capacity. Thus, at peak load levels reached in 2001, the system reached its full
capacity under single contingency conditions." And with Ginna periodically out of service, plus 
the contingency of a #5 transformer failure at Station 80, this would be the basis for a claim of negligence.
(Station 80 and Station 122 are the RG&E's connections to the grid.)
Also, a loss of Ginna Station, during peak loads, would at the least cause rolling blackouts.
Therefore, the four generators at Russell Station, 12 Unit at Bee Bee Station, and
all peaking units should be restored as soon as possible.
I know the cables at Russell Station have been severed so they can't be spliced.
But cable trays could be run from the 480 rooms and motor distribution centers
to reconnect the equipment. To run Hi Pressure gas lines to Russell and convert the boilers to gas
would be a win win for the RG&E and its customers. And the Hi Pressure gas line could be used to
supply gas to the Charlotte Harbor project as well. 
(And this can be done for probably far less than what the demolition of Russell Station, and properly disposing of all the hazardous materials there will cost.)
In the event of a Grid failure, the RG&E does not have enough generating
capacity to do anything about it. Monroe County would stay dark until the Grid
could be restored. The E-4.3 project will not solve much, and it will further weaken the Grid.
I'm sure the PSC is very aware of the dire straits the RG&E is in, and would welcome a positive approach,
before Rochester goes dark.
David R. Kaspersin

What resolution did they offer you? 
Have not answered. Submitted to them twice, starting three weeks ago.

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